
139# Leave me alone

139# Leave me alone

She sms-ed me again. Asked how i did for my interview. A rough answer i replied. And hoped she won't sms me anymore. But who knows she was asking me out for mamak and movie.

Yesterday when i was trying to sleep early, around 1am she sms-ed me. Said that she got something important wanted to tell me, long time ago. She did not dare to ask me until she got her courage.

I replied that i need to sleep as i had interview on the next morning. It was predictable that she would wish me good luck. But other than that, she kissed me goodight.

What the heck was wrong? What was she doing the things that she did 20 months ago?

I did not reply her anything after that, and tried to sleep. Somehow i could not because numbers of questions appeared in my mind.

What had happened to her? Did she separated with her boy friend? Why was she sort of like "seducing" me? Is she wanting me back now? But she was the one who got dumped... Damn. I just could not sleep at night before 4am.

I woke up at 6am because someone was sending good luck for me. (You know who you are) It was too early to greet me, i was still sleeping and i got woken up by that sms!

She asked me out. I told my elder sister about it. My sister doesn't like her. She said that we belong to two different world. My sister prefer "someone" else to be with me instead. Though she had just met that "someone" once.

And my mum called me not to see her anymore so that she won't have any expectation on me. Alright... I'm not encouraged to see her at all.

I replied her, saying that i can't go mamak at night since i'm online, blogger at night. Who needs to stay with the computer from 8 to 12pm. And i do not have time for movies... Even though before that i said that i'm free before December. I was contradicting myself.

Sometime we just need to get something covered up. Although i do not like to be a fake, anyway.

I do not know what had happened to her. If it was that bastard who dumped her, he is going to get something hot from me then damn it.

Leave me alone. I need a break.

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