112# Hospital Attachment - Phase 4
Critical Care Unit
Sitting there and did nothing... Suddenly the nurse manager came to me and asked:
"So what had you learnt over here?"
With that kind if strict expression, made me feel like a teacher was asking me question regarding studies.
I answered, tried to give perfect answers because i knew if i did not then i'll be scold or something.
"There is a device which check the partial pressure of oxygen level in the patient's
blood settled at the patient's finger. The blood pressure is checked automatically by the pump, wrapped at the patient's right arm, in every 30 minutes as shown in the monitor. There're 5 sensors sticked on the patient's chest to check the heart rate and the respiration rate of the patient is also shown by the monitor..."
I just talked about the devices that i could see at the patient. Actually there were
nothing much i could learn anymore.
"And the patient is given 0.9% sodium chloride salium IV drip, which drip rate is
controlled by the device there to squeeze the solution in the tube. The syringe pump at the bottom is not used because the patient is not give any heavy drugs..."
More i said as to back myself up... The nurse manager looked really strict that time, her eyesight swallowed me alive.
"Ok Mike, so what is this case then?"
"According to the nurses this guy is suffering from dengue, and he fainted before. That's why he was sent to here from level 5..."
"OK, actually there're more IV drips other than saline. Later i'll call (some staff
nurse's name...) to show you"
"All right Mike you passed!" my thought, was.
Later than the nurse showed me the other kind of drips. Basically saline, which is 0.9% sodium chloride is more generally used. And there are also 5% glucose solution, 0.9/5 sodium chloride + glucose solution, sodium chloride for irrigations, protein solution that i can't remember the name, and the others that i really can't remember all the names. Too much to remember, could not digest all...
Waiting for the clock to strike at 5. The nurses there asked me, "Boring kan?". They
knew, of cause la...
It was 5pm, i went to the administration office. Find that clerk, gave her the back my practical student tag, get my testimonial... Then i'm officially completed my hospital attachment over there for a month...! But in fact some of the days i did not go...
Oct, Nov, Dec, Jan. I haven't apply for imu yet. Going to apply fast!! But it's not first come first serve one right...? If i get a place there than feb i'll starting my course. So i've 4 more months here to spend...
I do not want to go back to the car workshop again. I rather be in Hell, but car workshop is Hell... So i decided to take Russian class at somewhere during these 4 months... I know Ampang got, but too far for me. Any idea where offers Russian language class? Inform me then.
111# Help
111# Help
June of last year, i remember. I was hanging around with Joshua at Sunway Pyramid for arcade games. We were crazy for KOF 2003 that time. And there was this friend called Joanne sms-ed me.
Joanne - Hey Mike, I'm study in ALC now and i'm staying at Klang. Wanna meet up?
Something like this she typed. She stayed in Kuala Selangor so i never meet her, just saw her through photos that she sent to me. We were pen pal when we were young, 5 years ago...
I replied,
Mike - Hey... Then you should know The Shaw Centre Point right? Saturday i'm having guitar class there.
Joanne - Cannot la, saturday i busy, weekdays can?
That period i sent letter to the general hospital klang, requested for hospital attachment. My request had no response in the end, though.
Mike - Cannot la... I'll be doing hospital attachment during my holidays.
Joanne - What la you, holiday also don't want come to find me. I know you study smart d la, busy all the times then forget me this friend d la...
She got lots of grammar mistake, but i can roughly remember what she typed. Because her bithcy words pissed me off.
Mike - Seriously i'll be busy la, saturday only la...
Joanne - whatever la, fine.
Whatever? Ok whatever... I did not reply and play the arcade game once i found a seat.
Back to 2005, last week
I was sleeping, then this girl sms-ed me.
Joanne - Mike, is me your old friend joanne! Can you do me a favor?
Damn it... not this time. I need to sleep man. Some more i do not like this girl's attitude. I ignored, continued to sleep.
I woke up, replied her.
Mike - Hey i was sleeping just now, so wassup?
Joanne - Sorry Mike, can you help me to book a room in First World Hotel Genting?
... What the heck? Can't she do it by herself?
Mike - Hey my desktop is down damn long time ago and i can't go online.
Joanne - Please la... just book for me please... i got no computer
Mike - Den go cafe only la...
That's all, she did not reply me then.
I'm being straight now, my opinion, she is that kind of bitch who thinks that she is so attractive and ppl will do her favors if she begged. In fact, vice versa.
I would help if the person is fine by me. But definitely not her. I dislike her attitude. Some friends will ask me for help sometimes and i will try to help them if i could.
This friend called me to check for pharmacy course in UTAR, i did. And discussed with her about pharmacy course in Nottingham and IMU. I'm willing to help because the person at the other side asked with sincere.
And this friend asked me for few times to get her some infomation for her projects. I helped though i was having headache and sleepy. No problem for me because i was on the line so i could help.
But not definitely helping that slut, who sms-ed me when i was sleeping, begged for nothing, and pissed me off with her bitchy attitude last year. I'm not taking revenge or anything, she does not deserve any help. That's about it.
Guys are kind to girls, but not all. Especially those bitchy ones. Basically I'm fine with all girls, except that person mentioned.
June of last year, i remember. I was hanging around with Joshua at Sunway Pyramid for arcade games. We were crazy for KOF 2003 that time. And there was this friend called Joanne sms-ed me.
Joanne - Hey Mike, I'm study in ALC now and i'm staying at Klang. Wanna meet up?
Something like this she typed. She stayed in Kuala Selangor so i never meet her, just saw her through photos that she sent to me. We were pen pal when we were young, 5 years ago...
I replied,
Mike - Hey... Then you should know The Shaw Centre Point right? Saturday i'm having guitar class there.
Joanne - Cannot la, saturday i busy, weekdays can?
That period i sent letter to the general hospital klang, requested for hospital attachment. My request had no response in the end, though.
Mike - Cannot la... I'll be doing hospital attachment during my holidays.
Joanne - What la you, holiday also don't want come to find me. I know you study smart d la, busy all the times then forget me this friend d la...
She got lots of grammar mistake, but i can roughly remember what she typed. Because her bithcy words pissed me off.
Mike - Seriously i'll be busy la, saturday only la...
Joanne - whatever la, fine.
Whatever? Ok whatever... I did not reply and play the arcade game once i found a seat.
Back to 2005, last week
I was sleeping, then this girl sms-ed me.
Joanne - Mike, is me your old friend joanne! Can you do me a favor?
Damn it... not this time. I need to sleep man. Some more i do not like this girl's attitude. I ignored, continued to sleep.
I woke up, replied her.
Mike - Hey i was sleeping just now, so wassup?
Joanne - Sorry Mike, can you help me to book a room in First World Hotel Genting?
... What the heck? Can't she do it by herself?
Mike - Hey my desktop is down damn long time ago and i can't go online.
Joanne - Please la... just book for me please... i got no computer
Mike - Den go cafe only la...
That's all, she did not reply me then.
I'm being straight now, my opinion, she is that kind of bitch who thinks that she is so attractive and ppl will do her favors if she begged. In fact, vice versa.
I would help if the person is fine by me. But definitely not her. I dislike her attitude. Some friends will ask me for help sometimes and i will try to help them if i could.
This friend called me to check for pharmacy course in UTAR, i did. And discussed with her about pharmacy course in Nottingham and IMU. I'm willing to help because the person at the other side asked with sincere.
And this friend asked me for few times to get her some infomation for her projects. I helped though i was having headache and sleepy. No problem for me because i was on the line so i could help.
But not definitely helping that slut, who sms-ed me when i was sleeping, begged for nothing, and pissed me off with her bitchy attitude last year. I'm not taking revenge or anything, she does not deserve any help. That's about it.
Guys are kind to girls, but not all. Especially those bitchy ones. Basically I'm fine with all girls, except that person mentioned.
110# Hospital Attachment - Phase 3
110# Hospital Attachment - Phase 3
I dislike old ladies, age range of 40-50.
Other than the menopaused goat racist english teacher that i faced during form 4 and form 5, now in the hospital i faced the same problem also.
"You're not a medical student, so you should not be here. This is something private. Even 3rd year medical students are not allowed to be here too."
The old staff nurse said to me, with that kind of "Get-the-Hell-out-of-here" expression, made me felt so insulted.
But so what? The doctor already allowed me to enter to observe. I did not say a word. Then that nurse uncovered the blanket from the old lady patient.
Ok, it was something private so what the Hell? Who the Hell will be so happy to see an old lady's backside? Which the whole anus gone, palm sized wound spreaded near to the female genital. Diabetis case apparently.
It was something serious which a student must observe in order to learn right? If everything is kept out of students' eyes, who the Hell will going to be doctor then in the future?
I hate that nurse, though i've only met her once. She does not deserve to be a nurse under me if one day i am a doctor there, if la. Because i do not believe that this god damn nurse will have such a long life.
Just now i was doing nothing outside the emergency department, sitting. Suddenly i fell asleep.
"Please do not sleep at here, or else people will think that my staff..."
That sound woke me up. The old nurse manager walked passed and sounded at me. Ok, it was my fault. I should not sleep over there. But the way she said that was so prejucided. And i am not her staff ok? I'm not paid. If i'm god damned paid then i won't be sitting doing nothing over there.
3 more days to go. Critical Care Unit. Seriously i can't stand to have attachment over there. The people are like never see a practical student before. Though i'm not, but i'm wearing that tag.
They are like walking in the zoo, and i'm the tiger.
I've tired to answer questions like who am i, why the Hell am i there, am i paid, what the heck i do over there... Oh come on,please, give me a break, idiots.
I dislike old ladies, age range of 40-50.
Other than the menopaused goat racist english teacher that i faced during form 4 and form 5, now in the hospital i faced the same problem also.
"You're not a medical student, so you should not be here. This is something private. Even 3rd year medical students are not allowed to be here too."
The old staff nurse said to me, with that kind of "Get-the-Hell-out-of-here" expression, made me felt so insulted.
But so what? The doctor already allowed me to enter to observe. I did not say a word. Then that nurse uncovered the blanket from the old lady patient.
Ok, it was something private so what the Hell? Who the Hell will be so happy to see an old lady's backside? Which the whole anus gone, palm sized wound spreaded near to the female genital. Diabetis case apparently.
It was something serious which a student must observe in order to learn right? If everything is kept out of students' eyes, who the Hell will going to be doctor then in the future?
I hate that nurse, though i've only met her once. She does not deserve to be a nurse under me if one day i am a doctor there, if la. Because i do not believe that this god damn nurse will have such a long life.
Just now i was doing nothing outside the emergency department, sitting. Suddenly i fell asleep.
"Please do not sleep at here, or else people will think that my staff..."
That sound woke me up. The old nurse manager walked passed and sounded at me. Ok, it was my fault. I should not sleep over there. But the way she said that was so prejucided. And i am not her staff ok? I'm not paid. If i'm god damned paid then i won't be sitting doing nothing over there.
3 more days to go. Critical Care Unit. Seriously i can't stand to have attachment over there. The people are like never see a practical student before. Though i'm not, but i'm wearing that tag.
They are like walking in the zoo, and i'm the tiger.
I've tired to answer questions like who am i, why the Hell am i there, am i paid, what the heck i do over there... Oh come on,please, give me a break, idiots.
109# To be me
109# To be me
It might be hard for me to sleep tonight.
Could not resist the temptation of mocha frappucino and it costed me 30% of a CD price...Walking alone for nothing in bukit raja mall. Looking those shops closing... it was already 11pm, of cause they were closing la.
Saw Nicholas Tse's old album, "Reborn". Made me thought of something. I used to listen to this guy's songs because of her. And i borrowed this album cassette from her. Just to know her better.
I went out to pay the ticket. Man! Freaking long queue. Everyone was moving back and paying the ticket at last minute.
While standing and wait patiently for my turn, i saw someone waved at me. She covered her mouth with her sweater, only able to see her eyes.
Ok, it was her. I confirmed when i saw her new piece beside her. I know that guy, my primary schoolmate. I just nodded and continue drinking my venti mocha frappucino. And i sure that the sweater was not the one that i bought for her from giodano.
Suddenly i tasted a little bit of desperado in my frappucino.
Well, first time i saw her with her new piece dating. And it was already 11pm something, she still hanging out around, bad.
Walked away without looking back after i paid. Trying to act cool. But when i walked for 20m away, i looked back a bit, see whether they look at me or not. Could not see anything, too far i'd walked! Damn it...
Officially 15 months since the day i ended our story. I was kind of bad la, so i can't blame shit because new relationship is too far away for me.
Mike, you suck.
Both of us belong to two different world. She deserves better. And hope they will be happy ever after...
It might be hard for me to sleep tonight.
Could not resist the temptation of mocha frappucino and it costed me 30% of a CD price...Walking alone for nothing in bukit raja mall. Looking those shops closing... it was already 11pm, of cause they were closing la.
Saw Nicholas Tse's old album, "Reborn". Made me thought of something. I used to listen to this guy's songs because of her. And i borrowed this album cassette from her. Just to know her better.
I went out to pay the ticket. Man! Freaking long queue. Everyone was moving back and paying the ticket at last minute.
While standing and wait patiently for my turn, i saw someone waved at me. She covered her mouth with her sweater, only able to see her eyes.
Ok, it was her. I confirmed when i saw her new piece beside her. I know that guy, my primary schoolmate. I just nodded and continue drinking my venti mocha frappucino. And i sure that the sweater was not the one that i bought for her from giodano.
Suddenly i tasted a little bit of desperado in my frappucino.
Well, first time i saw her with her new piece dating. And it was already 11pm something, she still hanging out around, bad.
Walked away without looking back after i paid. Trying to act cool. But when i walked for 20m away, i looked back a bit, see whether they look at me or not. Could not see anything, too far i'd walked! Damn it...
Officially 15 months since the day i ended our story. I was kind of bad la, so i can't blame shit because new relationship is too far away for me.
Mike, you suck.
Both of us belong to two different world. She deserves better. And hope they will be happy ever after...
108# Codominance
108# Codominance
Actually i used to be a very hot tempered person. Those who know me well will know that I'll get pissed off very fast and i can't hide my feelings.
The main reason is the inheritance from my parents.
Extremely hot tempered + soft and polite = Gentle violent
Codominance took place where i got both of the attributes. Most of the times i'm very polite. But sometimes when shit happens, effects will be indicated by my face.
When i was young, i could not control my temper well. That's why i could have verbal fight with 4 cow-eaters teachers in the teachers' office when i was in Form 4. Those teachers were damn racist against me and thus triggered me out. In the end, of cause i won la. Form 4 only, but don't play play ah.
In the same year, and until Form 5 were the worst year ever during secondary school life because of a menopaused bitch teacher. She discriminates everyone of us, especially towards the mandarin spoken students in my class.
She discriminates them because they only speak in malay but not in english.
She discriminates us because we read China Press instead of The Star.
She discriminates those who act like sakai and not civilized enough.
So during her class, moral and english classes, my coffin face was always there and i knew she had eye sore to see me in the class...
Grace asked,
"Why you so cool one during tuition class?"
Ok, that was during form2. I went there for tuition of cause. Without any reason i did not smile or something and that was how people said, my cool image.
Even until form4 the condition remained. My image worsen by my appearance, black violent evil t-shirts and my coffin face. Frightened everyone off, and the chicks as well, sadly. That's why could not kao lui with that face. I even say hello with my middle finger to 200+ of them in front of the Add Maths class. "Go to Hell...!!"
But when i was in form5, things seemed to be fine, due to some reasons. Needed to be considerate and understanding for the sake of taking care of the other half. And then Mike turned out to be a very friendly guy... walao, very astonishing ain't?
Once i entered college, smile is never concealed. Grow up already cannot always show shitty face to the others ma. Until now, i rarely show my temper.
Smile... even your heart is aching... like Jin says.
Maybe sometimes i do. If some waiter/ess make me tulan in the restorant, before i leave i'll mess up the whole table. Turn the plates upside down, spread the remaining foods, make the table dirty... oh man, i'm such a brat.
Somehow in real life we must endure even the worst shit happens. We can't just show our dissatisfied face to everyone right...? Patient, patient... but too much of patience causes increase of blood pressure, thus hypertension. So how? Damn...
Actually i used to be a very hot tempered person. Those who know me well will know that I'll get pissed off very fast and i can't hide my feelings.
The main reason is the inheritance from my parents.
Extremely hot tempered + soft and polite = Gentle violent
Codominance took place where i got both of the attributes. Most of the times i'm very polite. But sometimes when shit happens, effects will be indicated by my face.
When i was young, i could not control my temper well. That's why i could have verbal fight with 4 cow-eaters teachers in the teachers' office when i was in Form 4. Those teachers were damn racist against me and thus triggered me out. In the end, of cause i won la. Form 4 only, but don't play play ah.
In the same year, and until Form 5 were the worst year ever during secondary school life because of a menopaused bitch teacher. She discriminates everyone of us, especially towards the mandarin spoken students in my class.
She discriminates them because they only speak in malay but not in english.
She discriminates us because we read China Press instead of The Star.
She discriminates those who act like sakai and not civilized enough.
So during her class, moral and english classes, my coffin face was always there and i knew she had eye sore to see me in the class...
Grace asked,
"Why you so cool one during tuition class?"
Ok, that was during form2. I went there for tuition of cause. Without any reason i did not smile or something and that was how people said, my cool image.
Even until form4 the condition remained. My image worsen by my appearance, black violent evil t-shirts and my coffin face. Frightened everyone off, and the chicks as well, sadly. That's why could not kao lui with that face. I even say hello with my middle finger to 200+ of them in front of the Add Maths class. "Go to Hell...!!"
But when i was in form5, things seemed to be fine, due to some reasons. Needed to be considerate and understanding for the sake of taking care of the other half. And then Mike turned out to be a very friendly guy... walao, very astonishing ain't?
Once i entered college, smile is never concealed. Grow up already cannot always show shitty face to the others ma. Until now, i rarely show my temper.
Smile... even your heart is aching... like Jin says.
Maybe sometimes i do. If some waiter/ess make me tulan in the restorant, before i leave i'll mess up the whole table. Turn the plates upside down, spread the remaining foods, make the table dirty... oh man, i'm such a brat.
Somehow in real life we must endure even the worst shit happens. We can't just show our dissatisfied face to everyone right...? Patient, patient... but too much of patience causes increase of blood pressure, thus hypertension. So how? Damn...
107# Regrets
107# Regrets
"Are you sure you want to do medicine?"
Jojo called me and asked. Well, i'm 95% sure now. If i don't work as a doctor, it will be the biggest regret in my whole life.
The first regret for me is not learning piano since young. When i was 6, my dad found piano instructor for my sister. But my sister naughty a bit, so she refused. That time my music senses were not awaken, so i never bother about music, yet.
When i was 10, my dad bought my sister an old electric piano. Everyone of us played and we got bored very fast... and my sister stopped learning piano because of her A levels.
Before that she played acoustic guitar when i was 13. Soon the guitar was abandoned, and so i picked it up. Due to the influence of Korn when i was 16, i started to play that old acoustic guitar... But acoustic sound is so far different from Korn's electric 7 strings K7 noise, so i decided to get an electric guitar.
Finally, after SPM i got a set of electric guitar which was quite costy. To be honest, i dislike classical songs that i'm learning from classes. Boring... Technically i play through hearing but still, my theory sucks. Is it because of i'm a left handed?
In the future, if i'm not working as a doctor, life will be meaningless. Life as a doctor is complexed but yet significant. Standing at the frontline and help those who need help is really great ain't?
The second target in my life, or dream we called, is to have a studio at home. If one day i move to a bigger house, i'll try to get a studio... Imagine, other than study room, gym room, AV room and we have studio at home, super great right?
Having a huge room, with all these gears:

Ibanez K5 bass, GRG axes, Messa Boggie, Marshall amplifier, Boss pedals, Zoom effects...
walao, dream too much...
Actually i wanted to learn drums. But i need to spend more time for guitars. And if i learn drum as well, then every month my hands will be shivering to pay the fees... So, maybe next time la...
"Are you sure you want to do medicine?"
Jojo called me and asked. Well, i'm 95% sure now. If i don't work as a doctor, it will be the biggest regret in my whole life.
The first regret for me is not learning piano since young. When i was 6, my dad found piano instructor for my sister. But my sister naughty a bit, so she refused. That time my music senses were not awaken, so i never bother about music, yet.
When i was 10, my dad bought my sister an old electric piano. Everyone of us played and we got bored very fast... and my sister stopped learning piano because of her A levels.
Before that she played acoustic guitar when i was 13. Soon the guitar was abandoned, and so i picked it up. Due to the influence of Korn when i was 16, i started to play that old acoustic guitar... But acoustic sound is so far different from Korn's electric 7 strings K7 noise, so i decided to get an electric guitar.
Finally, after SPM i got a set of electric guitar which was quite costy. To be honest, i dislike classical songs that i'm learning from classes. Boring... Technically i play through hearing but still, my theory sucks. Is it because of i'm a left handed?
In the future, if i'm not working as a doctor, life will be meaningless. Life as a doctor is complexed but yet significant. Standing at the frontline and help those who need help is really great ain't?
The second target in my life, or dream we called, is to have a studio at home. If one day i move to a bigger house, i'll try to get a studio... Imagine, other than study room, gym room, AV room and we have studio at home, super great right?
Having a huge room, with all these gears:
Ibanez K5 bass, GRG axes, Messa Boggie, Marshall amplifier, Boss pedals, Zoom effects...
walao, dream too much...
Actually i wanted to learn drums. But i need to spend more time for guitars. And if i learn drum as well, then every month my hands will be shivering to pay the fees... So, maybe next time la...
106# Implying Explicity
106# Implying Explicity
I read Chinese newspaper... so i'm not sure whether this news is already in the english paper or not. What ever it is, it is concerning about blogspot.
Actually blog is a place for us to record and publish our thoughts. It is something private, supposedly. But the whole world is reading it. Therefore what ever we write in our blog, we should mind our words.
There was this young man, 17, got caught yesterday. His entry titled "The second holocaust" critiques about one of the races in Msia. It is a sensitive issue, he sounded out his insatisfactory against them and how he hates them. Furthermore he emphasized that he is an extreme racist...
Since april when his blog is created, he damned for 4 times within 3 days. Then a few times again he did for the coming months. Now he is condemned. Once convicted, 3 years of nasi lemak. Repeat, 5 years of nasi lemak.
Well, i believe that he is not the only one who having the same thought. But look, boy, this is a public blog. The word is keeping an eye for every single words that published. So in the other words, we can't let things to be too explicit.
I was told, then only i knew. There's actually a specific IP address in each of every computers. And each of every entry that we publish, experts able to trace back us using that IP address. Therefore, to type something really personal or sensitive using own computer, own line is really dangerous.
If someone is so desperated, wanted to do such a thing, it is recommended to type those things using public computers, like in cyber cafe. And only read it using public computers as well to prevent from tracing back. Somehow, it is the best that not to type these kind of things in the blogs... you know...
They are authoritative. Once they noticed that someone talk shit about them, without saying a word the person will be caught. They have some kind of special organisation that have the authority to catch anyone who are suspected to spread something against them.
Very self-protective isn't it?
Thus, better keep things implicit. As long as we ourselves understand, the message can still be sent.
Just don't give too much of shits about it la. Once we are born over here, we must endure everything.
I read Chinese newspaper... so i'm not sure whether this news is already in the english paper or not. What ever it is, it is concerning about blogspot.
Actually blog is a place for us to record and publish our thoughts. It is something private, supposedly. But the whole world is reading it. Therefore what ever we write in our blog, we should mind our words.
There was this young man, 17, got caught yesterday. His entry titled "The second holocaust" critiques about one of the races in Msia. It is a sensitive issue, he sounded out his insatisfactory against them and how he hates them. Furthermore he emphasized that he is an extreme racist...
Since april when his blog is created, he damned for 4 times within 3 days. Then a few times again he did for the coming months. Now he is condemned. Once convicted, 3 years of nasi lemak. Repeat, 5 years of nasi lemak.
Well, i believe that he is not the only one who having the same thought. But look, boy, this is a public blog. The word is keeping an eye for every single words that published. So in the other words, we can't let things to be too explicit.
I was told, then only i knew. There's actually a specific IP address in each of every computers. And each of every entry that we publish, experts able to trace back us using that IP address. Therefore, to type something really personal or sensitive using own computer, own line is really dangerous.
If someone is so desperated, wanted to do such a thing, it is recommended to type those things using public computers, like in cyber cafe. And only read it using public computers as well to prevent from tracing back. Somehow, it is the best that not to type these kind of things in the blogs... you know...
They are authoritative. Once they noticed that someone talk shit about them, without saying a word the person will be caught. They have some kind of special organisation that have the authority to catch anyone who are suspected to spread something against them.
Very self-protective isn't it?
Thus, better keep things implicit. As long as we ourselves understand, the message can still be sent.
Just don't give too much of shits about it la. Once we are born over here, we must endure everything.
105# Hospital Attachment - Phase 2
105# Hospital Attachment - Phase 2
I thought i had no problem seeing at those gory, flesh and blood situations. But in fact i was wrong. Watching videos from Cradle of Filth did not help much... I got a chance to get a closed up view to a patient's surgery in the ER. The kid's head got an injury and must be stitched.
The wound was quite serious, about 3cm long. I went close to view. The surgeon stitch the wound and the nurse aide cut the stitches, together with a porter holding the kid's head.
I could not make any noise as everyone needed to concentrate. Thus my breathing rate was quite slow...
I looked at it about minutes, suddenly i felt like shorting of breathe. I went out. When i was walking out of the ER, my view was just fulled of stars. My vision was damn blur, and it was the sign of lacking of oxygen at the brain as i felt it before during sport. I sat down to chill.
I knew what was wrong with me. I could not stand the sight of the wound being flipped by the pincette, stabbed by the needle and so on. In the other words, i almost fainted. When i had chilled enough, i dared myself to get in again.
I went in, stood at the previous position, convinced myself to overcome my fear. And again, mentally i could not stand it. I went out of the ER, walking with a fast pace and get myself a seat to chill down.
Crap, it was the first time i witness a minor surgery in front of me. I told my problem to the surgeon, and he answered:
"The first time you looked at it, you'll feel like fainting. The second time you will feel the same. The third time you'll feel better. And the fourth time you'll feel like doing it!"
Wo... great answer i have ever heard. This surgeon specialist did convinced me to study medicine, he is a very nice guy.
I told my sister about it. She said sometimes they got no enough of rest and eating. And when they went practical for surgery, if there is a diabetis patient, the smell will be really bombastic. There were students who puked and fainted. And so... anyway this problem will still be faced later.
And i went for haemodialysis, CCU, paediatric ward, male ward, physiotherapy unit... Everything was just fine and i think it's enough for me. Somehow, there are still 2 weeks to go...
I thought i had no problem seeing at those gory, flesh and blood situations. But in fact i was wrong. Watching videos from Cradle of Filth did not help much... I got a chance to get a closed up view to a patient's surgery in the ER. The kid's head got an injury and must be stitched.
The wound was quite serious, about 3cm long. I went close to view. The surgeon stitch the wound and the nurse aide cut the stitches, together with a porter holding the kid's head.
I could not make any noise as everyone needed to concentrate. Thus my breathing rate was quite slow...
I looked at it about minutes, suddenly i felt like shorting of breathe. I went out. When i was walking out of the ER, my view was just fulled of stars. My vision was damn blur, and it was the sign of lacking of oxygen at the brain as i felt it before during sport. I sat down to chill.
I knew what was wrong with me. I could not stand the sight of the wound being flipped by the pincette, stabbed by the needle and so on. In the other words, i almost fainted. When i had chilled enough, i dared myself to get in again.
I went in, stood at the previous position, convinced myself to overcome my fear. And again, mentally i could not stand it. I went out of the ER, walking with a fast pace and get myself a seat to chill down.
Crap, it was the first time i witness a minor surgery in front of me. I told my problem to the surgeon, and he answered:
"The first time you looked at it, you'll feel like fainting. The second time you will feel the same. The third time you'll feel better. And the fourth time you'll feel like doing it!"
Wo... great answer i have ever heard. This surgeon specialist did convinced me to study medicine, he is a very nice guy.
I told my sister about it. She said sometimes they got no enough of rest and eating. And when they went practical for surgery, if there is a diabetis patient, the smell will be really bombastic. There were students who puked and fainted. And so... anyway this problem will still be faced later.
And i went for haemodialysis, CCU, paediatric ward, male ward, physiotherapy unit... Everything was just fine and i think it's enough for me. Somehow, there are still 2 weeks to go...
104# Parasitic, Symbiotic
104# Parasitic, Symbiotic
I was looking for someone to have lunch with me. I knew it was already late after i finished my works at home. 3pm, the only choice for lunch was just fast food, damn it... But i had already had domino's delivery yesterday.
Called my friend who used to be damn close to me during secondary school life. This guy went tuition, again! Abinesh why are you always go tuition? Form 6 students are not a slave for the education system! I've never meet this guy like for a year since the last time i gave him a biology reference book. But in the end he dropped biology...
Called Roy... He wasn't picking up. He called me back, he was working...
Called Rachel... She wasn't picking up either. Maybe she was working...
Checked my phonebook...
William? Family day let him chilling for a day la, don't want to disturb him...
Ah Loo? Ah, that fella sure already lepak at outside...
Grace? Erm... don't want la...
Steven? Sure working one...
Kian Leong! eh... He was having tuition too with Abinesh, damn...
Choon Yian? Fucking staying in KL now never come back for us.
Mamak friends? No.. is daylight now...
Oh man! My klang friend are all dead... Though i'm still staying at klang, but i rarely meet back those fellas. Only William and Ah Loo i always hang out with. The others are dead, never contact me at all.
Just now Rachel called me back, she was working... Everyone is working! Those who are not working are busy for STPM. I'm the only idle hands now...
Damn sick to have lunch alone. Was having it at hospital alone for the past 5 days. How wish i would have a whole bunch of my collegemates to have lunch together at those places... like in Asia cafe, Sri Melur, Al Rafi, McD, Cabana, BK... I miss my collegemates...
Jin and Michelle flew off this morning to UK.
Yi Feng and Ngar Shien reached Germany last week.
Su Ann and Harp already in Ireland.
Layhui, TaiKen, Wenying and etc... leaving soon...
Everyone is leaving. Friends are not forever. Once we reach in a new level of life, the whole surrounding changed. Seeing new faces and new masks everywhere.
Primary school friends, secondary school friends, tuition friends, outside world friends, college friends... I have no overlaps. Once i get into a new surrounding, i meet all new faces.
Therefore people forget me easily. Like some of my secondary schoolmates don't even give a damn about the others. Maybe we are different in skin color, but that's not a big deal right? We are still speaking in english la. And i can speak (curse) in Tamil too if they want.
Everytime i had gathering with those fellas, they will never appear. And gave those fucking non sense stupid reasons saying that they could not go. I can even repeat the lines for them. I already can memorise the usual reasons they used. For years they never come! What kind of shit was that? I don't want!
I was quite regret for not having a SMKKJ gathering for Azura as she requested for it. I could not make it because those fuckers will not give face though i invite them if i did. Now she is at indonesia now. It's too late.
Every year i had it, in the end the SMKKJ gathering ends up with a few guys drinking, smoking, banging guitar, swearing around... Fuckers. If one particular indian refuse to go, then the whole bunch of indian won't appear, that's about it.
Blamed me that i never call them out. Come on man, i did. Instead, they had never call me out either. So what the fuck? They never realise their mistake and put the fucking blame on me.
"Friends Forever" is a biggest joke. Friends are either parasitic or symbiotic. I gave them my sincere, they gave me back a piece of shit. Fuck those uncivilized idiots.
P/S : What i meant above were just pointing to a few bastards and sluts. Not all friends of mine are involved.
I was looking for someone to have lunch with me. I knew it was already late after i finished my works at home. 3pm, the only choice for lunch was just fast food, damn it... But i had already had domino's delivery yesterday.
Called my friend who used to be damn close to me during secondary school life. This guy went tuition, again! Abinesh why are you always go tuition? Form 6 students are not a slave for the education system! I've never meet this guy like for a year since the last time i gave him a biology reference book. But in the end he dropped biology...
Called Roy... He wasn't picking up. He called me back, he was working...
Called Rachel... She wasn't picking up either. Maybe she was working...
Checked my phonebook...
William? Family day let him chilling for a day la, don't want to disturb him...
Ah Loo? Ah, that fella sure already lepak at outside...
Grace? Erm... don't want la...
Steven? Sure working one...
Kian Leong! eh... He was having tuition too with Abinesh, damn...
Choon Yian? Fucking staying in KL now never come back for us.
Mamak friends? No.. is daylight now...
Oh man! My klang friend are all dead... Though i'm still staying at klang, but i rarely meet back those fellas. Only William and Ah Loo i always hang out with. The others are dead, never contact me at all.
Just now Rachel called me back, she was working... Everyone is working! Those who are not working are busy for STPM. I'm the only idle hands now...
Damn sick to have lunch alone. Was having it at hospital alone for the past 5 days. How wish i would have a whole bunch of my collegemates to have lunch together at those places... like in Asia cafe, Sri Melur, Al Rafi, McD, Cabana, BK... I miss my collegemates...
Jin and Michelle flew off this morning to UK.
Yi Feng and Ngar Shien reached Germany last week.
Su Ann and Harp already in Ireland.
Layhui, TaiKen, Wenying and etc... leaving soon...
Everyone is leaving. Friends are not forever. Once we reach in a new level of life, the whole surrounding changed. Seeing new faces and new masks everywhere.
Primary school friends, secondary school friends, tuition friends, outside world friends, college friends... I have no overlaps. Once i get into a new surrounding, i meet all new faces.
Therefore people forget me easily. Like some of my secondary schoolmates don't even give a damn about the others. Maybe we are different in skin color, but that's not a big deal right? We are still speaking in english la. And i can speak (curse) in Tamil too if they want.
Everytime i had gathering with those fellas, they will never appear. And gave those fucking non sense stupid reasons saying that they could not go. I can even repeat the lines for them. I already can memorise the usual reasons they used. For years they never come! What kind of shit was that? I don't want!
I was quite regret for not having a SMKKJ gathering for Azura as she requested for it. I could not make it because those fuckers will not give face though i invite them if i did. Now she is at indonesia now. It's too late.
Every year i had it, in the end the SMKKJ gathering ends up with a few guys drinking, smoking, banging guitar, swearing around... Fuckers. If one particular indian refuse to go, then the whole bunch of indian won't appear, that's about it.
Blamed me that i never call them out. Come on man, i did. Instead, they had never call me out either. So what the fuck? They never realise their mistake and put the fucking blame on me.
"Friends Forever" is a biggest joke. Friends are either parasitic or symbiotic. I gave them my sincere, they gave me back a piece of shit. Fuck those uncivilized idiots.
P/S : What i meant above were just pointing to a few bastards and sluts. Not all friends of mine are involved.
103# Profanity brought her Popularity.
103# Profanity brought her Popularity.
From the first time i saw her blog's link in She Fong's one, i already felt kind of weird. And days ago i found the same thing in Josh's blog, my curious brought me a whore... or more accurately, a person who is worse than a whore that more than a few people think.
Personally, i don't think that it's bad to blog it that way, that is just one of those ways that a person would like to record their thoughts and life. And maybe the verbal diarrhoea in her blog is kind of special, therefore people noticed it, read it, spread it, and vote it... And thus her blog got awarded for two years. And maybe for this year too...
I was damn shocked to know that there are actually awards for blogs... Damn it man, i was too outdated. So far i've read some of her classic entries and there're certain conclusion that i could draw :
1 - Her diahoerra is just straight forward, no corners.
She would shit out what she thinks and what she likes. I do not mind that she critiqued about Msia, even i do so. Taken as a critique from a tourist, as a msian we should take note of the critiques. I know Msia sucks la, i never say that Msia is good. But thank god that i'm not in iraq la, or else i'll need to be either c********** or wrapped inside out like a mummy.
2 - Her words are strong - with different foul languages. Basically i do speak those languages and slang that she does, so i could understand all the damned words she used in her blog. Like everyone of us know, started with F, or shit, KNN, CCB, CBK, KNNBCCB... for you all who do not know hokkien and wish to understand what are those words about, please ask me personally. Somehow her profanity brought her the popularity.
3 - Her topics are sensitive - I read those entries that made me to laugh me ass out. For those who read, do you think that 3+2 is too long? That was about 24 damn it! Even the most astonishing that i knew was just 2+3, about 19. What the heck was she talking about all these? Is she really a lesbian? She used her N8910 to rape Samsung phone upside down inside out, and that was really nasty.
4 - The real her sucks - The main image in her blog looked nice right. But if you look on more detail, i think 30% of the whole picture had been edited by photoshop.
Bleached, slimmed, polished, shone by the computer effects. If you compare that picture to the other normal pictures that she uploaded for her entries, you will think that the aunt stays beside you is definitely looks better.
For the Hell's sake she edited her picture inside out. I thought she was a beautiful person, but apparently i had made the biggest mistake. I am not implying that it's not right to edit it, but i think it's just too fake to wear a mask in such a way.
I do not understand how would she came out with such long entries. Maybe she is a full time blogger who type her thoughts, check her blog, check her mail at all times. And she got donation from those blogders to support her life. Quite good isn't it? I'm wondering how much she got paid by that... walao eh my dog...
Overall my final conclusion is that, she is not a whore at all. But she is just a little bit slutty, bitchy, seductive and looks like a vamp. And she really dare to speak out her mind through her blog, and public do get the attention.
A new revolution of bloggers has begun... Yes, blog more.
From the first time i saw her blog's link in She Fong's one, i already felt kind of weird. And days ago i found the same thing in Josh's blog, my curious brought me a whore... or more accurately, a person who is worse than a whore that more than a few people think.
Personally, i don't think that it's bad to blog it that way, that is just one of those ways that a person would like to record their thoughts and life. And maybe the verbal diarrhoea in her blog is kind of special, therefore people noticed it, read it, spread it, and vote it... And thus her blog got awarded for two years. And maybe for this year too...
I was damn shocked to know that there are actually awards for blogs... Damn it man, i was too outdated. So far i've read some of her classic entries and there're certain conclusion that i could draw :
1 - Her diahoerra is just straight forward, no corners.
She would shit out what she thinks and what she likes. I do not mind that she critiqued about Msia, even i do so. Taken as a critique from a tourist, as a msian we should take note of the critiques. I know Msia sucks la, i never say that Msia is good. But thank god that i'm not in iraq la, or else i'll need to be either c********** or wrapped inside out like a mummy.
2 - Her words are strong - with different foul languages. Basically i do speak those languages and slang that she does, so i could understand all the damned words she used in her blog. Like everyone of us know, started with F, or shit, KNN, CCB, CBK, KNNBCCB... for you all who do not know hokkien and wish to understand what are those words about, please ask me personally. Somehow her profanity brought her the popularity.
3 - Her topics are sensitive - I read those entries that made me to laugh me ass out. For those who read, do you think that 3+2 is too long? That was about 24 damn it! Even the most astonishing that i knew was just 2+3, about 19. What the heck was she talking about all these? Is she really a lesbian? She used her N8910 to rape Samsung phone upside down inside out, and that was really nasty.
4 - The real her sucks - The main image in her blog looked nice right. But if you look on more detail, i think 30% of the whole picture had been edited by photoshop.
Bleached, slimmed, polished, shone by the computer effects. If you compare that picture to the other normal pictures that she uploaded for her entries, you will think that the aunt stays beside you is definitely looks better.
For the Hell's sake she edited her picture inside out. I thought she was a beautiful person, but apparently i had made the biggest mistake. I am not implying that it's not right to edit it, but i think it's just too fake to wear a mask in such a way.
I do not understand how would she came out with such long entries. Maybe she is a full time blogger who type her thoughts, check her blog, check her mail at all times. And she got donation from those blogders to support her life. Quite good isn't it? I'm wondering how much she got paid by that... walao eh my dog...
Overall my final conclusion is that, she is not a whore at all. But she is just a little bit slutty, bitchy, seductive and looks like a vamp. And she really dare to speak out her mind through her blog, and public do get the attention.
A new revolution of bloggers has begun... Yes, blog more.
102# Hospital Attachment - Phase 1
102# Hospital Attachment - Phase 1
Day 1,2,3 - Emergency Department
Most of the interesting things that i could see were in the emergency department. Everytime when an ambulance came, the posters will carry the patient into the emergency room. The nurses will first do those things that they supposed to do, like putting in the needle for injections, etc. And then the doctor will come and examine.
I stood a side like a lamp post. Doctor Chalvan was quite friendly, he told me about what was wrong with the patient, and how he supposed to do and things like that... One of the specialist who came to the ER today was quite good too. He encourages me a lot to study medicine as well as Doctor Chalvan. But somehow there was a doctor did not really encourage the young generation now to pick up medicine since the competition is getting greater and greater...
I was not allowed to communicate, contact the patients. Somehow i was allowed to assist the nurses to carry, move the patient and send those patients by wheel chair or bed... The first and the second day did not have much urgent cases. Today the third day got more. So time when i was free, i sat a side and sleep... I was damn exhausted as i had to wake up at 6.25am daily. Need to consider the time for traffic jam as well so that i can reach at 8am on time.
Within these 3 days i saw different kind of patients...
- Old man who got the so-called "Stone" in him. I do not know what is the exact term for the stone la, haven't reach that state to understand yet.
- A stinky old man in coma. Lots of nurses and two doctors were trying to save. I do not know what happened to that patient, heard in the end he "go there" la. I'm not sure whether what i heard was regarding this case or not. Not too sure to talk about.
- A man who got electric shock, the in and out of the current were at both of his palms. I did not know that when a person got electric shock, there'll be two injuries. One is the entrance of the current to a person's body, mostly hand. And the other one is where the current escapes from the body, it can be anywhere. According to the clinical nurse specialist who explained these to me, she said there was a case where the current escaped from the bladder of the victim. Imagine that, scary...
- A little boy who got no visible injury came for CT scan. This kid banged his head onto the Cefiro's windscreen after the sudden brake of the car. The windscreen broke, but he got no visible injury at his head, without feeling any dizziness and losing his conscious. This kid could still play around, power oh... His CT scan was normal. Miracle right? Memang kepala keras.
- A little girl with measles, looked to pitiful yet so scary... Thought now everyone already taken those doses to prevent from measles?
- Old lady with breathing difficult - That was my friend Steven's future mother-in-law... Finally meet him back after form 5. And that old lady sells Bak Kut Teh at my area! I never go there and eat la so i did not know.
- And a lot more that i'm lazy to list out and i could not remember...
So far i think job of a frontline is quite fine. But before i could reach at that state of cause i would need to suffer the 5 years like in Hell. But now the main problem is to enter IMU. It is very competitive and i heard from the doctor that someone got in the waiting list, waited for a year for response... What the heck man, i hope this won't happen on me. Somehow i still have an alternative, to have biotech and biomedic double degree at Monash. But the risk of work opportunities are equal in both field isn't it?
Tomorrow i'll be going to the haemodialysis and clinics department. I guess it will not be as interesting as in the ER. Well, i'm going to stay at that department for 4 days. Now still have 16 days to go for my attachment... Got to apply faster la, i do not want to be in the waiting list...
Day 1,2,3 - Emergency Department
Most of the interesting things that i could see were in the emergency department. Everytime when an ambulance came, the posters will carry the patient into the emergency room. The nurses will first do those things that they supposed to do, like putting in the needle for injections, etc. And then the doctor will come and examine.
I stood a side like a lamp post. Doctor Chalvan was quite friendly, he told me about what was wrong with the patient, and how he supposed to do and things like that... One of the specialist who came to the ER today was quite good too. He encourages me a lot to study medicine as well as Doctor Chalvan. But somehow there was a doctor did not really encourage the young generation now to pick up medicine since the competition is getting greater and greater...
I was not allowed to communicate, contact the patients. Somehow i was allowed to assist the nurses to carry, move the patient and send those patients by wheel chair or bed... The first and the second day did not have much urgent cases. Today the third day got more. So time when i was free, i sat a side and sleep... I was damn exhausted as i had to wake up at 6.25am daily. Need to consider the time for traffic jam as well so that i can reach at 8am on time.
Within these 3 days i saw different kind of patients...
- Old man who got the so-called "Stone" in him. I do not know what is the exact term for the stone la, haven't reach that state to understand yet.
- A stinky old man in coma. Lots of nurses and two doctors were trying to save. I do not know what happened to that patient, heard in the end he "go there" la. I'm not sure whether what i heard was regarding this case or not. Not too sure to talk about.
- A man who got electric shock, the in and out of the current were at both of his palms. I did not know that when a person got electric shock, there'll be two injuries. One is the entrance of the current to a person's body, mostly hand. And the other one is where the current escapes from the body, it can be anywhere. According to the clinical nurse specialist who explained these to me, she said there was a case where the current escaped from the bladder of the victim. Imagine that, scary...
- A little boy who got no visible injury came for CT scan. This kid banged his head onto the Cefiro's windscreen after the sudden brake of the car. The windscreen broke, but he got no visible injury at his head, without feeling any dizziness and losing his conscious. This kid could still play around, power oh... His CT scan was normal. Miracle right? Memang kepala keras.
- A little girl with measles, looked to pitiful yet so scary... Thought now everyone already taken those doses to prevent from measles?
- Old lady with breathing difficult - That was my friend Steven's future mother-in-law... Finally meet him back after form 5. And that old lady sells Bak Kut Teh at my area! I never go there and eat la so i did not know.
- And a lot more that i'm lazy to list out and i could not remember...
So far i think job of a frontline is quite fine. But before i could reach at that state of cause i would need to suffer the 5 years like in Hell. But now the main problem is to enter IMU. It is very competitive and i heard from the doctor that someone got in the waiting list, waited for a year for response... What the heck man, i hope this won't happen on me. Somehow i still have an alternative, to have biotech and biomedic double degree at Monash. But the risk of work opportunities are equal in both field isn't it?
Tomorrow i'll be going to the haemodialysis and clinics department. I guess it will not be as interesting as in the ER. Well, i'm going to stay at that department for 4 days. Now still have 16 days to go for my attachment... Got to apply faster la, i do not want to be in the waiting list...
101# Fly Away from here... Pt.4
Phase 2
101# Fly Away from here... Pt.4
Today was Michelle's one. Different from the past 3 farewells, this one we had it in 1u, just for a lunch. We got Michelle, Audrey, Sue Jern, Xin You, Wai King, Wei-Jin, Tai Ken, and me, myself and i... Harpreet and Justin could not join us for lunch because they were imprisoned for working in Chilli's...
Fish and chips in Fish & Co. was just ok. But Jin's Swordfish set was a bit huge for a person to finish... Right after the lunch we went lepak for a while. Then i felt hungry again, as usual. Went coffee bean...
Harp had not taken his lunch yet so he ordered some food to eat. I followed. When i took my muffin and mocha in a tray to our table, Audrey and Michelle were like so freaked out to see me eating again. Well, Mike's a frequent eater, but i'm not bottomless like Jin, haha. Jin eats a lot.
Expected to see Poh Yoke there since she goes 1u every weekend... And yes, we met her there, again. How wish my house is just so near to such a big mall.
Actually to go to 1u and places like MV, Damansara, Kajang are really hard for me. Imagine i will need 20 minutes from home to Klang KTM station, then 1 hour from Klang to KL sentral, and then 20 minutes to reach Kelana jaya. Without considering time taken to wait for a bloody train. Therefore basically i need 2 hours to get to Kelana jaya, and wait for someone to pick me up... 2 hour plus needed for the way back since everything is slow during the evening, i mean the damned trains.
Today when i was at LRT station at KL sentral, i could not get into the train and i missed it. Actually...
" The doors were closing 3 inches in front of me, helpless..."
And the way back, when i heard the sound from the train, i walked faster. And this time...
" The doors were closing 3 metres in front of me, missed it again..."
Damn it...! But one lucky thing was that LRT train arrives in every 7 minutes. If it was KTM, i sure will curse like crazy because i will need to wait for another 15 to 20 minutes for a next train. KTM sucks.
I think i'm the only hardcore public transport user among us. I'm not allowed to drive even to Sunway, therefore i need public transports and hosts for me to parasite with. Feel bad also when everytime i need to ask for someone's favor.
Anyway, thanks to Michelle for the rides today... We shall meet again since we are still young. She is one year younger than me la. I feel i'm so old and left behind...
100# Decarboxylation
100# Decarboxylation
Finally... the 100th entry. Without counting those entries which i publish my bloody arts, now this is the 100th. Time flies. Imagine i started to have verbal diahoerra here since December of last year, until now it is already 9 months...
Went steamboat buffet with Will's family days ago at Sunway. Quite worthy, RM20 for each. And of course, i picked those expensive seafoods to eat, like big prawns, shells and stuffs. After that ate lots of ice creams too. Will was the bom, he ate damn lot, plus 4 more eggs, 3 cups of ice cream... Man, how wish i could be as built up as he does. Thanks to Will's mum for the treat...
Before the steamboat, i went to Will's house. I did not know until they told me in the end. That time before we set off actually the whole family of Will were thinking of numbers to buy for 4D. Will's mum saw my car, which is ADV 288. Then she just called them to buy "1288", she added "1" in front. At night, when they checked the results, really kena la the number 1288. Man, i was such a lucky star, haha... 100 times from what they bet, already considered a lot though it was not the grand ones.
Sent my sister's car to service yesterday, and today i sent mine. Yesterday when i paid for the service, the secretary gave me a cheque. It was my salary there when i worked there.
"Man, my very first salary in my life...!"
When i accept the cheque, i did not expect much. Actually i went there just to help out and learn therefore i won't be paying high. Though the amount of salary that i got was just an amount of 6 CDs for me, but i'm ok with the pay...
When to the bank today to save the cheque into my account... Everything was just blur because i never settle those before by my own. Mike dare to ask attitude, in the end only i found out that actually i could use the machine to save my cheque. Oh man... i waited from No.159 until my turn which was No,180, then the clerk in there told me.
Wanted to take my ATM card as well which i applied since March but i never went to colloect. Because i never take it within a month, they cancelled my card...! Damn, i need to reapply again and go to the bank at Monday to collect it. But monday, i'll be...
Finally I can start my hospital attachment at Sri Kota Medical Centre next monday. Thanks to my aunt who is teaching in UiTM, for asking a chance for me from the CEO of the medical centre. Government hospital sucks. I sent 2 letters which Taylors typed for me by myself, to the hospital. Twice, i did not get any god damned responses from the racist general hospital.
I'll be having the attachment for a month because if too short i'll learn nothing. So a month is recommended by my aunt. I'm adviced to wear sports shoes to there because there'll be lots of walking... And Susan said for guys need to be in formal. Oh man, wearing shirt and slack, with sport shoes? Kind of weird right? What to do...
Just did a Muggin ( a kind of customised MSN displayed picture with moving effects, blue moutain ones ) from MSN, in the end of the settings, finally one thing came out.
"Pay with Cell phone" or "Pay with Credit Card"
WTF? God damn it... Really kena. Nothing in this world come for free other than gas from asses. Even oxygen need to pay....
Finally... the 100th entry. Without counting those entries which i publish my bloody arts, now this is the 100th. Time flies. Imagine i started to have verbal diahoerra here since December of last year, until now it is already 9 months...
Went steamboat buffet with Will's family days ago at Sunway. Quite worthy, RM20 for each. And of course, i picked those expensive seafoods to eat, like big prawns, shells and stuffs. After that ate lots of ice creams too. Will was the bom, he ate damn lot, plus 4 more eggs, 3 cups of ice cream... Man, how wish i could be as built up as he does. Thanks to Will's mum for the treat...
Before the steamboat, i went to Will's house. I did not know until they told me in the end. That time before we set off actually the whole family of Will were thinking of numbers to buy for 4D. Will's mum saw my car, which is ADV 288. Then she just called them to buy "1288", she added "1" in front. At night, when they checked the results, really kena la the number 1288. Man, i was such a lucky star, haha... 100 times from what they bet, already considered a lot though it was not the grand ones.
Sent my sister's car to service yesterday, and today i sent mine. Yesterday when i paid for the service, the secretary gave me a cheque. It was my salary there when i worked there.
"Man, my very first salary in my life...!"
When i accept the cheque, i did not expect much. Actually i went there just to help out and learn therefore i won't be paying high. Though the amount of salary that i got was just an amount of 6 CDs for me, but i'm ok with the pay...
When to the bank today to save the cheque into my account... Everything was just blur because i never settle those before by my own. Mike dare to ask attitude, in the end only i found out that actually i could use the machine to save my cheque. Oh man... i waited from No.159 until my turn which was No,180, then the clerk in there told me.
Wanted to take my ATM card as well which i applied since March but i never went to colloect. Because i never take it within a month, they cancelled my card...! Damn, i need to reapply again and go to the bank at Monday to collect it. But monday, i'll be...
Finally I can start my hospital attachment at Sri Kota Medical Centre next monday. Thanks to my aunt who is teaching in UiTM, for asking a chance for me from the CEO of the medical centre. Government hospital sucks. I sent 2 letters which Taylors typed for me by myself, to the hospital. Twice, i did not get any god damned responses from the racist general hospital.
I'll be having the attachment for a month because if too short i'll learn nothing. So a month is recommended by my aunt. I'm adviced to wear sports shoes to there because there'll be lots of walking... And Susan said for guys need to be in formal. Oh man, wearing shirt and slack, with sport shoes? Kind of weird right? What to do...
Just did a Muggin ( a kind of customised MSN displayed picture with moving effects, blue moutain ones ) from MSN, in the end of the settings, finally one thing came out.
"Pay with Cell phone" or "Pay with Credit Card"
WTF? God damn it... Really kena. Nothing in this world come for free other than gas from asses. Even oxygen need to pay....
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