Few weeks back when I was at home, I took the semi pro camera at home and tried a few shots.
I don't have any external lens thus making shots with the camera was difficult. Auto focus is lacking I'd say for this camera.
Unlike normal digital cameras where the preset auto focus is sufficient to take closed up shots, this semi pro camera really need an external focus lens for closed up shots.
The trend of DSLR is getting hotter now. I can see a lot of people around me are digging into this. Even posts in rojaks are infiltrated by photography related posts lately.
Yum Yau has taken quite a few descent shots at Leeds and published in his facebook. Christopher also showed his. Faye... I think she started quite a long time ago.
A lot more to name. And certainly SLR photography is growing in the otaku field. It could be just my guess, but it seems that the hobby of photography is growing rapidly as compared to previously. Moreover those slim digital cameras seems to be outdated, where now SLR with long lens rules.
I'm nto going to serious photography for the moment so I won't be buying external lens. I haven't even discover the full potential of the semi pro camera sitting at home yet.
Having no knowledge in photography, it took me quite sometime to take these shots. In fact I took quite a lot of them, but only a few of them turned out to be satisfactory.
If you click on it for the full resolution you can see that the photos are in fact not as sharp as it seems.
I have not been buying any gundam models in this year, apart from the PG Skygrasper this February. That's why I kept posting this PG model's photos.
Having quite significant withdrawal symptoms now. Hope it will subside soon.
grand slam.....i thought that's the tennis competition, buy your PG a tennis racket to hold
i jus complained that i didn't buy any gundam this year yesterday.
and today i've got a sudden acquired gundam.
shit broke now.
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