373# ShiftAs i mentioned in the previous post, we forced to move out after staying in our house in taman oakland for 2 months.A one year contract has become a piece of toilet paper and flushed down to the toilet.Once we received the notice, we got really pissed and we decided to move out 1 month after that.It's really fast, we have just stayed at this place for 3 months.
Old roomWe had just moved in not long ago. And we just been through the hard time to get through the adaptation phase. But just because the landlord has found a buyer to buy this screwed up feng shui house finally, thus he made some grandfather story and kicked us out from his house.To make things more confusing, the landlord and the buyer kept on pushing the responsibility to each other. And when we demanded to talk to them at the same time, they never appear at the same time but came one after another to avoid unsynchronised grandfather stories.

PackingPacking stuffs is screwed up. Shifting is lagi screwed up. Considering we are shifting from one house to another house which is just 1km away is lagi lagi lagi screwed up.RM200 for the lorry service, i thought is for the whole thing, but who knows it's for ONE trip only. What a throat slitting price. People from KL hire a lorry to seremban also RM100 only. And when a second trip is required to carry my huge wardrobe, the lorry driver requested for an extra RM50. 
We showed him face. And I jumped up the lorry and attempted to dismantle KS's wardrobe to give out more space. After a minute of trying, the lorry driver gave up and gave us a second trip, and asked us to pay whatever amount we want. Because we were wasting his time.
In the end I gave him an extra RM20. So total of RM220 for a 1km distance lorry service. Sure get karma one.
Small items waiting to be loaded to our own cars
So yesterday we were busy packing, carrying, loading, unloading, and more carrying, cleaning, arranging, scolding and shouting. To have your room at upstairs is a pain in the ass. Although there's hercules's muscular power, but there was still tonnes of load which were killing us.Because of that, we had some casualities during the process of carrying heavy furnitures. Hercules hurt his left foot, KS hurt his chest, I hurt my right index finger and right thumb. And almost all of our furnitures with smooth surfaces ended up with scratches and holes.
Aftermath, it was cleaned afterwardsJust 3 months. The shortest period I have ever stayed. While people are enjoying their weekends, or busy studying, we are all busy shifting house, and moaning while carrying weights to go upstairs.We moved to a place nearby called, not very sure still, Bukit Kemanyan or something. It's slightly deeper. It's cheaper, bigger (not KS and my room) but further.But at least this house is not facing a branched road, unlike the screwed up feng shui house we used to stay. Hope the landlord and the new buyer will taste their own poison.
Hope they will like the only souvenier I left behind. 9 toilet rolls for you all. Merry Christmas. Enjoy your bad feng shui house.
372# Patience and PatientsScenario #1A group of medical students having clinic learning in a clinic with a family medicine specialist. One of the tall student stands in front. A few shorter students at his back as him to back off, as he is blocking their views. Therefore the tall student gives way for them and let them stand in front of him. In the end this student can only see these students' heads instead of the doctor and the patient.
Scenario #2Since this tall student let other shorter students to stand in front, thus during examination of the patient, everyone takes turn to examine. The one at the back got to examine the last. Those who have finished examining the patient remain beside the patient and do not back off. Before he could take a step to get closer to the patient, the doctor dresses up the patient, or the patient feels tired. In the end of the daythe tall student learns nothing during the clinic teaching.
Moral of the stories:I believe that everyone has equal chances of learning. You want to see, you want to practice, you want to learn, and so do I. And if that is not your session of clinic teaching, please back off and let those who are in the group to do whatever they need to do first.Plus please take note that the patients are human. They have feelings. Try to put yourself in their shoes. Ask for permission before you proceed.They are not your "learning materials".
371# MoveEveryone is being emotional recently.One of the reasons would be the exam that we had last week. Most of the people did well. So I think I am the only one who emo over it. Like usual, I did quite badly. Wonder why all of this still happen on me.Other issue is about our house.We moved in to this house on September, days before we started clinical schools here in Seremban. After 2 months of staying here, the landlord sold this house away and asked us to move out before March 2009.The so-called one year contract isn't applicable in this case. The landlord has the right to ask us to move out as long as we are given a one month notice. So it's legally correct.But it's so ethically wrong.
Staying at the houses which looked haunted isn't a bad idea, because it's just outside the hospital.So, we have no place to argue since the house is already sold. Instead of fighting over to get the house back to rent, we tried to look around for house to move out. We planned to move by Christmas week, where we have 2 weeks of break, I assume. But in the end we decided to move out by end of this month, simply because that we can't stand the sight of the fake.After being informed to move out, within 26 hours we managed to get a new house to rent. It's in another garden nearby our current area, but slightly deeper.Actually our current place is quite strategic. It's 2 minutes away from Tesco, 3 minutes away from Jusco, 2 minutes to highway, and 1 minute to lowway. We usually reach the campus in 10 minutes time, because the highway is really convenient in case of the need to fly.But anyway this new area isn't too bad after all. But just lack of the Cheo-bu factor.Sad. But this time we have experienced the wicked and fake side of the so-called human being.It's nauseating.
Emo.PS: The one in the photo is not me.
370# Gundam Fix Figuration #0038 - MSF - 007 Full Armor Gundam Mk-III Surprisingly, I got some unusual feedbacks from people regarding my previous GFF Mk-III post. It's expected to have feedbacks from people who has this common interest, and some ideas and comments from them regarding the model. But I did not expect someone will laugh out her lungs during reading the review.Apparently she does not know what is Gunpla and GFFs and thus she finds that these are funny. But sadly the previous review was not funny enough to make her laugh until got admitted.Thus this other review is made, hope she will laugh more, until all her muscles cramp and got pushed to the hospital :)
The previous GFF Gundam Mk-III, but this time in Full Armor mode.
In my opinion, the colours of the armors can hardly fit the mobile suit's greyish basic colour. However, it seems to be fine after looking at it for a while.Having all these armor set into it making the whole mobile suit looks heavy. And that's the best point about Universal Century's mobile suits.
Like previously mentioned, the panel lining for GFF line models is yet to be improved.But guess it will never will...But nonetheless, all these tiny tiny flaws are still negligible. At least for this particular GFF that I bought.
Holding this big rifle is difficult therefore another fist with different wrist angle is used. Posing with this massive weapon would be difficult because of its weight. But then again, Ver. Ka designed models looks better in standby mode.Actually it can stand by its own without the stand, but the time when all these photos were taken, I could not find the balance point thus i still have to use the stand to take these shots.
Another standard gundam weapon other than the rifle, the beam saber. Two beam sabers are given - white handle and the black handle, where the latter is in fact attached to the shield, i guess.Somehow the shield is not used during the Full Armor mode. Maybe it's tanker enough not to use a shield already...
White and black light sabers mentioned. There another white beam saber from the armors, detached from nowhere. I don't know where it came from so I just leave it back in the box.

Full Armor with full weaponry.If all weapons shoot at the same time, there are 8 of them. Still can't outshine Strike Gundam's Full Burst Mode. But heck, Cosmic Era is over tech-ed anyway.
Quite satisfied with the Full Armor look. But again, the downside is that the armor pieces fall very easily. I'm quite frustrated with that, fixing the non attaching armor which keeps on falling.But as long as it stands there not being touched, then it would be fine.It is currently standing still in my room in Seremban.PS: Will I be seeing you in the ward? Or morgue? :)
369# The End of Internal Medicine posting
Done my end of posting exam during the previous Wednesday. I went to the ward to see what are the patients in the ward presented with the day before. There were almost 40 of them there. I browse through the census book and found out quite a lot of them presented with viral fever, dengue fever and also cerebral vascular disease. The previous two weeks I was in Hospital Port Dickson, unlike the rest who were in Hospital Tengku Jaafah where we had our exams. Thus they are more familiar with the patients than I do.Unfortunately I didn't manage to study everything. It's impossible to do so. If I really could, I can't guarantee that I could remember everything I studied also. Oh well...
Since my examiner is a specialist in infectious diseases, thus I tried my best to study about different kinds of fever and as well as AIDS. At yet, things became so unpredictable during the exam. There is a patient presented with meningitis. Chances of getting him for exam is like 1/40 = 2.5%. The patient can only converse in Cantonese. The first colleague of mine was picked but I knew her as a Sarawakian she can only speak in Mandarin but no other dialects.So the doctor asked another colleague of mine to clerk that patient. And she refused and said that she does not speak Cantonese.I was surprised to hear that, and I stunned. And then I was told to clerk that patient, even though my Cantonese skill is worse. They all knew what case was that, and they were trying to avoid getting it for exam, since it is harder.In the end, the person who did not know anything about the ward became the victim, who can hardly speak Cantonese unlike the other person.
But anyway, with my limited language skill I clerked the patient even his Glasgow Coma Scale was not full. I did not manage to study about meningitis at all thus I did very badly for the exam.Somehow, everyone of us passed. Nonetheless, I was not happy for the exam.Hope God bless you all, forever.Seen it all.