30th of December of Jin's 21st birthday.
I guess he could be the last fr#333 J21 iend of mine who celebrate his birthday on the very last of year 2007.
A lot of them who got invited still in the uk therefore they didn't make it. Sad case.

For this long Pavillion (i don't even know how to spell it) has been launched, that day was the first time where i went there.
Ok, luxury stores and beautiful decorations of the mall. Definitely not my kind of place to shop.
But it isn't too bad to have a drink or dinner there because the environment is pretty good.

Can't really recall the name of the restaurant Jin brought us. Carlos restaurant if i'm not wrong.
Mexican food isn't really my kind of thing because most of the dishes are beef, but they still make good dishes of white meat and lamb chops.
I ordered the potato skin but i didn't get to eat it, lol.

A few closed friends were invited as well as Jin's relatives. I expected to meet some of ex taylorians there but too bad i was the only one ex taylorians there, because almost all of them prefered to spend their xmas in the uk.
But anyway, i managed to meet some of Jin's friends who are really interesting.
There was this senior of Jin named Kenneth who is working as a network engineer currently. We went to SS2 to lepak with him until the next morning.

See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil and smell no evil.
Another one is needed as to complete the picture.
Do no evil.

Beautiful cake waiting to be eaten.
They nearly forget about the cake and go order cakes for dessert.
The cake was so delicious and i ate two pieces of them, where i rarely do. Wonder which cake house was this cake from?

Birthday song and cake cutting session. That was the last time i sang a birthday song for a friend in the year of 2007.
Jin looks really tall in this picture.
"Hey, are you looking at my camera?"

I did quite a big mistake for not buying a cake, where i usually do for birthday boys, because it's the simplest gift for a boy who basically has everything. But it's ok though, because the cake there was left unfinished. It would be a waste if i bought a second one to there.
But i do get something for him instead together with my other friend.
I bought a HG infinite justice gundam model for him as to pair up with his very first HG Strike Freedom gundam. Things are meant to be in a set.

The waiter right there was really cool and interesting. He was so funny until we kept on joking around with him.
"Can i borrow your hat?" my friend said.
And i posed a pose where i have done few months ago in the imu with the cowboy hat.
This isn't an M.J. pose ok?

We left Pavillion (spell check please) around midnight and we headed to SS15 for tea.
I was kind of muted when all 4 of them sharing their experiences of being school prefect during the highschool days.
After sending a friend off at semenyih, we went to SS2 to lepak until 6 am of the next day.
Klang - Kajang - Semenyih - KL - SS15 - Semenyih - SS2 - Kajang - Bukit Jalil - Sunway - SS15 - Klang.

Happy 21st dude.
Thanks for everything.
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