Friday night.
Tune in to the revolution waltz.
Heard that the logo was done by the pharmacy during microsoft paint [citation needed]. If that is true, that would be the best artwork made by microsoft paint i have ever seen in my life.
"Music is our novacaine, music is our escape, music is our ecstacy, we love music and there is no way you can stop us from playing our music". (Line from the event's booklet)
And the revolution began.
Dancers from our batch initiated the night with army attire for the revolution-look.
The idea of the dancers move out from the audience seats was quite brilliant though.
Didn't know taipomi can dance, lol.
We have zakhir and thazin as the master of ceremony.
Zakhir can act well and he acted on stage twice for the dwali night. And that summoned a lot of screams from the crowd, including the girls...
Thazin would be the tallest female mc i've seen so far. Her height even freaked Charlie Dark out. He came to be our guest lecturer for our literacture selective course on last tuesday.
I don't have any visual of my band's peformance because i was sitting up there with the drums so skip it.
Gary and Hanying performed Linkin Park's What i have done. No, not the rocking one. But they made one acoustic version.
While playing on the grand piano, Gary sang at the same time.
I'm not sure, but i guess he was about to cry while singing [citation needed]. Very full of emotion.
Hercules has been to more than a few "shows" and yesterday's fashion show wasn't that hard for him. I was kind of surprised to hear from siti the day before that, that he was going to strip.
That was the first time i saw him strip on stage. Although i have seen his "body" before from magazines, but yesterday was the first time i saw it in front of my eyes. Freaking cool...!
Siti's performance showed not much of difference compared to last year. But it was still cool enough to slaughter another first price for the fashion show.
Jive by Joe and Jenny.
I have seen Dr. Francis singing, Dr. Sri Kumar on drums, Dr. John on guitar last year.
But i had not witness Dr. Joe and his wife, Dr. Jennifer to dance.
That was a good one. Dr. Joe explained that that dance has 3 styles in it. From sri lankan to cha cha and back to sri lankan style [citation needed].
Dr. Htin Aung performed a Burmese song too. That could be his last perfomance in imu because he is going to retire on next year.
I was wondering who was M106 Powah.
Okay, now i know. But the bassist was imported from the semester 3 though.
Pity him, he was one of the 3 bassist only for that night where he helped almost all bands on the bass guitar.
And i nearly forget that jeremy can play the drums. He should have replaced my position in our hokkien song.
"Cannot la, i play for fun only..." he said. But that is already good enough then me to perform.
Something which was not from our batch...
Was it the first time of imu's history having a band performing heavy metal songs? I know the band Testament, but i have never listen to them. Just found out that Nicholas Barker (one of my favourite drummer) played with Testament before!
The lead guitarist was really fast and accurate. The bassist was wonderful as well because he could sing and play at the same time, which most of the bassist find it hard to do.
We shouldn't be sitting while people were playing that. Therefore i clapped by hand like mad for them like the rest of the people.
Rupert was asking around because he wanted to perform a chinese song.
Due to the unfortunate technical difficulties faced that night, he forced to tell us a few lame jokes. It was funny, not the jokes, but he himself was funny when telling those donald duck and durian jokes.
His effort of memorizing the mandarin lyrics was not wasted. Too bad there was no eye contact with ling wei because he was busy reading the romanised lyrics.
Very sweet song. Jackie Cheung's Love and Promise. Lingwei's voice was very sweet. But i could not catch what rupert singing though.
The last performance from our batch we have han chung's magic show.
I have seen him playing close up tricks in front of me, but i was yet to see his stage perfomance.
It was a girl who wished for teddy bear and snow. The magician (or would you prefer illusionist?) was trying to fulfill her wish by cutting her out a snow on a paper.
She rejected.
He then gave her a teddy bear, armed around her, and raised his hand up.
Snow fly out from his hands then.
Yesterday's event was the first one which i stayed until the end.
That was how i show my support to my batchmates, who in charge of this year's friday night.
Unlike my friends, those fellas just never show up even though i was about to perform that night. Mou Yi Hei.
Thanks to all the commitee who worked hard for this event, and also those who came for support. Great job.
PS: Did anyone taped our performances? This isn't a full report of the event because i didn't take all the photos for all performances. Plus, i already forget some of them...
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