439# Entering 2010
The only good thing was that I passed my EOS7.
And the previous elective and selective.
Hope 2010 will make a difference.
Happy New Year.
438# Merry Christmas
I didn't even notice that today is the eve, I have been lost track to dates ever since my elective started.

Christmas trees are everywhere, at every major malls which I went.
It's a good reminder for people. These decorations reminds of people of the festival, so that people will shop for Christmas presents for their friends and family.
So in that way, spending a small amount of money for these decorations can stimulate the business of the shopping complex. Isn't that just brilliant?
And I guess that applies for all the festivals in our country throughout the year.

Christmas is never part of my celebration list. I used to follow my friends to go to the Churches for celebrations, about a thousand years back. I also went to friends' houses for turkeys.
Ever since I went to the university, I took out this festival from my celebration list. Therefore, it's been a while since I accept any Christmas gift from people.

Oh yes, we did have Christmas gift exchange during the pre-clinical school days. And that time our university always have celebrations for it and we got free food and sketches going on there.
Having said so, I just remembered that last year I performed during Christmas in the clinical school. I was on the drums for a short song and Dr. Sheila and Esther were on the vocals, along with a group of choir.
And I left after my performance and went to the lounge to study.

This year, I missed the Christmas performance in the university because I'm currently away and doing my selective. During this period, apart from the Christmas celebration, I also missed out the chance to perform for Diwali night!
They were short of drummer that time and I was asked to go back to help. I really wanted to but I was doing my attachment in KL that time so I have to decline them. Chances of me being on stage for music performance is getting lesser and lesser now, sad.
I guess Christmas is just not my kind of thing. I'm going to meet up with a few sticks from my university tomorrow for lunch and at night, another stick for guitar stuff.
Few days ago I saw Santa and I requested to take a photo with him. I snatched his ukulele from him and he did this flying pose. A nice guy who has done a great job in attracting people's attention there.
Under the white beard I could see his perfectly fair skin. I think he was from Korvatunturi in Lapland Province, no doubt for that.
Merry Christmas people. May Santa makes your wallet thicker.
That's my wish.
437# 2009 loot
Year 2009 was non productive. I did not fix much gundam plastic models because I told myself I shall spend more time for studies. But instead, I bought a lot more of those which are fixed, completed models.
Now it's time to summarise all the stuffs that I've bought throughout the year.

February - Perfect Grade Skygrasper - RM185, Mr. Hobby Flat coat - RM35
May - Gundam Fix Figuration #0013 Deep Striker - RM350
June - Revoltech Yamaguchi #67, #68, #69 - RM285
July - Revoltech Encyclopedia with Eva 03 - RM105
August - Master Grade Gundam Exia Ignition Mode - RM218, Artenity Nissan GTR/Convoy - RM150
September - Hobby Japan Octover - RM75
November - High Grade Universal Century Unicorn Gundams - RM128, Action Base stand - RM19
One year worth of HK/TW version of Dengeki Hobby magazines and 2 HK ver Hobby Japan magazines - RM 180
Grand total - RM 1,730
Great. This is totally out of my expectation. No wonder I'll never have enough of money to buy a new electric guitar and new effect processor pedals.
Not that I don't like them though, I really hoped that I didn't buy some of them. Not only I need to cut down my spending, I also need to invest on something more rewarding, like a new guitar mentioned.
I bought the PG Strike Gundam last year, but only bought the PG Skygrasper and completed them this year. It's great. But I only display it with the stand outside the glass cabinet when I'm at home during the holidays. It's usually placed in the cabinet with Katoki stance.
The second gunpla of the year was the MG Gundam Exia. I have the 1/100 scale ones but this MG version of it is worth getting. I've to say it's one of those non UC MG models that I really like. But somehow its instability and light weight really put me down.
The Gundam Fix Figuration Deep Striker has to be my favourite of 2009. It's one of those "Suddenly acquired figurine" where I didn't expect to encounter. I went to lowyat for computer stuff but because of fate I spotted this GFF which was out of market for years and the price offered was before the rise of japanese yen.
My second and yet biggest Fix Figuration (this thing is really huge), as well as the second most model I've bought so far. But yet, it worth the money.
I'm not a huge fan of trasnformers, which do more good than bad since being a gundam fan is already malignant enough. But anyway I'm a die hard fan for Nissan GTR. This Nissan GTR/Convoy from Takara caught my attention long ago but I didn't get it during its first release, so I missed the silver version.
The second batch release was this black version, which turned out to be muscular too so I smuggled it when I bought the MG Gundam Exia after my End of Semester 7 exam. Initially the PG Astray Red Frame was on top of my list but still, spending RM800 for another Perfect Grade in less than a year's time is kind of difficult for me...
The revoltechs for Evangelion 2.0, Eva 01, Eva 02, Provisional Eva 05. New sleekly design, improved articulations, close to perfect metallic paint finish, and a bigger, cooler box. I already have the Evangelion 1.0 version but these new ones are quite a good purchase.
But unfortunately, the one which I liked the most, the Eva unit 01's shoulder blade peg was broken when I was playing around with it. Not even 24 hours since open box. Eva 03 was a tough get where it only came with a book, which I travelled down to KLCC's Kinokuniya after class, by train! I have even written a quick review for it, before I write one for the rest.
The HGUC Unicorn Gundam and Destroy Mode Unicorn Gundam are my most recent loots. I actually wanted to buy the MG Astray Blue Frame Second Revise or the HG 00 Raiser with GN sword III but both of them were out of stock. So I had to pick up the third choice which were these 2 HGUC.
I liked the MG Unicorn but it is too fragile and too complex so I thought having it in both HGUC format would be a good choice but heck, it turned out to be a disappointment, the worst purchase of year 2009. I shall quite up a review for them since I have already done the shots.
2010 would be a good start, because there are so many to get. I might get some, or all of these;
1. MG Gundam Astray Red Frame Kai - 5,250 yen
2. HGUC ReZel - 2,100 yen
3. HG00 Gundam 00 7 Sword/G - 1,800 yen
4. HG00 00 Raiser + GN Sword III - 2,100 yen
5. MG Gundam Astray Blue Frame Second Revise - 5,250 yen
6. MG Unicorn Gundam OVA version / SP pack - 5,250 yen / 7,350 yen
Okay, there's a hell long of list. But the first 3 are compulsory.
436# Half a decade, and more...
Started merely for the sake of killing my time during my college's holidays, I have somewhat successfully maintained this site for 5 years. And tomorrow shall be the 6th year of decarboxylation running in the blogsphere.
A lifelog, a hole for verbal diarrhoea, a link to connect, a place to share, a medium to spread, and a weapon to destroy.
Through this site I've accepted more than what I expected. Language, politics, real time issues, hatred, despair, regrets. And as the eclipse passed by there were more joy, more music, and more hobbies to share (Oh yes. Gundams).
Like my friend said, writing negative things and bitch about how smart you are how suck your life is are just not going to bring you anything.
Scrolling the posts that I’ve made, they record the road I've taken in MBBS, record each of every exam that I've failed and passed. They record the life of me surviving until the 4th year in medical school. It is always memorable to read back what I’ve written. It’s like an RPG log recording how your character grows, you know.
It’s not easy to maintain a site like this due to my schedule. But I still try my best to post at least one post a week or four posts a month with minimum one photo in each post. But that only happens after I’ve gotten a camera phone :P
Other than passing through the 5 years, this site has passed the 50,000th hit as well. Half a year ago it was just 30,000 clicks! Apart from my friends and readers from where I’m living, most of the clicks are actually from the states.
Thanks to everyone here, no matter if I know you in real life or not, thanks for checking out this site and hope I would continue writing until the day our government bans blogging.
In Sorte Diaboli.
435# Elective Final: Intemezzo Liberte Cover
"Intermezzo Liberte" by Michael Amott, guitarist of Swedish Melodic Death Metal band called Arch Enemy.
I've added a video for it as for fun's sake. I play the song through the walkman player, play the guitar and record it at the same time. I wanted to replace the audio of this video entirely with the original studio recorded audio but I have no idea on how to do it.
I've tried my best to make it sound nice but it's still not as perfect as I wanted it to be. And yet, it's still something.
As mentioned in the previous posts before, during the first day of recording I recorded the bass guitar, acoustic guitar, and electric rhythm guitar with double tracking.
And during the second day of recording I recorded the electric lead guitar (which was the hardest, but surprisingly took the least time) with some double tracking. The drum part was made using drum machine, didn't manage to record it due to time and budget constraint, which was quite a disappointment.
Finally there are some orchestra parts in the song was done through the sound programme. There was no keyboard in the studio which was quite irony but still, I can't play the keyboard, and neither the violins.
Overall I give myself 65% for this song. I know which were the parts which I screwed up, but it's too late to change it already now since everything is already finalised. But still, the most important thing is that I did have a lot of fun recording this song :)
434# Quick Gundam Model Review - Buster Gundam

I got this from David John as a free Christmas gift by taking a survey from his blog. I also won his blog's quiz but I didn't get the prize because there were 2 winners, and I didn't manage to be the lucky one!

I opened the package and surprised to find out that this model was sent instead of Banpresto's SCM RX78-2, which David told me earlier.
But anyway, it's free. Nothing I can complain about it.

I have not seen this "Quick Gundam Model" before out there. I guess this stays in between a gunpla and a toy, which it allows people from lower age group to get a basic idea of what gunpla actually is.
Open up the box there will be painted parts, and 2 runners of parts which need to be assembled. Mainly the joints and the weapons for Buster Gundam.

After less than 30 minutes of assembling, tah dang! Done. "Quick Gundam Model" indeed.
It stands 10cm tall, shorter than a High Grade gunpla model, made up its scale of 1/180.

Paint job was fairly well. Good articulation. Can stand with Ver Ka stance.

Joints are very simple and functional. The knee can even bend until as close to 180 degrees.

I'm not very familiar with Buster Gundam but seems that this model is capable of posing Buster Gundam's trademark poses with its beam cannons.

By the way, pardon me the photo quality. Photos are taken using my fixed focus 2.0M pixel handphone camera. Have not charge the batteries of my cameras yet.

The beam cannons can be combined for a longer range purpose, I guess?

An the other way round too.

That's all. Small, simple, quick, effective and economical.
Thanks David.

Size comparison with the HGUC Unicorn gundam (current work in progress) and with the PG Aile Strike Gundam. Quite small huh?

Too many sudden acquired gundams, ever since the MG Exia which I bought 3 months ago after my EOS7.
The next review will the the HGUC Unicorn Gundam in Destroy Mode, if I'm able to recharge the camera batteries...
PS: Attachment to National Heart Institute is next week, I must study!