This week is a hectic week.
This damn week is a god damn hectic week.
Monday to Friday. 2 CSU sessions, 3 PBL sessions, 1 AIR Topic, 9 lectures.
Can i be any busier than that?
The CSU plus PBL sessions took me 9+ hours in total. I do need to prepare my presentations and the clinical examinations theory and skill. Total up, eh... can't describe how many hours i've spent for those.
That explains why i didn't study nuts through out the whole week. Being busy before wednesday to prepare for the mock OSCE, and busy for pbl discussions and presentation after that. Sien.
As to compensate the time i sacrificed to prepare OSCE, i didn't study and recharged myself at night.
However the whole recharging process was interrupted through out the whole night. It's like something pressing you on top of you while you're sleeping. You're awaked, aware, but you can't move.
Fear not, it ain't ghost or whatever shit. It's just the exhaustion. It's normal and happens if you're too tired.
I struggled twice to wake myself up from the interruption. I tried to move, hit the wall, scream, swear, fark the ghost's mother (if any) but of cause it didn't help anything. I awoke, adjusted my sleeping position and continue to sleep.
When the third time it came again, i was too lazy to struggle and continued sleeping.
It's good that i settled my mock OSCE before the hematology assessment. Some of them are going to sit for it one day before the assessment. That's distracting. Some of them having it a few hours after the assessment. Oh sad, you guys can't go dota or movie after the paper.
And some of them are having if during the gastrointestinal system course. Damn, they have plenty of time and can chillin' around now.
Honestly, it's pointless to spend all your time for the OSCE now. It's just a mock. But do go for it to understand the procedure so that you'll be cool during the real OSCE.
Don't be clumsy. Be cool, don't lose the professionalism. It's worth for 1 mark.
Don't ask me. I failed both of the physical examination. Blanked out due to the sleeplessness at respiratory system station. About the cardiovascular system station... My theory is not enough to carry on the examination.
You might not know how to palpate the peripheral pulses of the legs. You might not even know to name it...
That's why, study your theory and practice your skills.
And don't show hamsap face while you examinating your patients.
PBL, another task to make people busy. First time in my life to have 3 PBLs in a week. I can't recall what i've learnt from it. It's too much to take when you're having tonnes of unflipped lecture notes with you.
Take about lecture notes. The wtf knn dns management didn't bother to print out notes for us. I have to run all the way up to computer lab, login, find notes, edit, use my own A4 paper, line up for 15 minutes, get the printer and print it manually.
The whole freaking process took me more than 20 minutes in average.
Damn. How many 20 minutes can i waste everyday just for the sake of the lecture notes, which the management tries to save upon?
Freakin' give me an explaination for not givng out notes, please.
normal mode shooting.
We can't be blamed. How many hours you have left after all of the time spent for getting a copy of lecture notes, pbl, csu, traffic, argue with the cash office attendants?
Surprisingly we can still keep ourselves awake and pay 100% attention during lectures.
Especially the pathology lectures with 60 - 80 slides presentations. Must learn how to being able to spot a small little flaw in a sea of cells and it isn't easy.
However, it's still depends on what kind of lecture is it. Sometimes we can't be helped when it talks about how mosquito kills.
night mode shooting. Check out toilet's sleeping pose.
SLDH, seriously.
Don't get me wrong, it doesn't stands for super lactase dehydrogenase or whatever shit. Ask me if you want.
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