The arrival
It's been two and a half years since I started to collect and build gunpla. It started with an accident which I have mentioned more than a few times before in this site.
Forget about the gunpla experience I had when I was 12 years old, the first gunpla kit I bought was a 1/144, which is equivalent to the "First Grade".
Days after that I bought the "High Grade" model kit which is the same scale, but more detailed.
Months after that I bought the "Master Grade", which is bigger, more detailed, and more articulated.
And finally, years after that, I got myself the gundam plastic model kit which is the highest grade among all model kits, the "Perfect Grade". Even bigger, heavier, more detailed, more articulated and to sum it all, it is PERFECT.

It's been 2 years since the day I saw this model kit. After years of consideration I finally made up my mind to buy this.
I always wanted to buy this kit, but of course what stopped me was its jaw-dropping price. Being the model kit with bandai's top most technology, the price for its design and production also as equivalently "top" as well.
During semester 3 I enquired the price of this gunpla, it was RM465. With the yen price of 14,000 yen, I guess the currency change used that time was "X yen divide 30".

But now, things have changed. Yen price has been increasing dramatically. I did not aware of that until my friend told me. Because I did not buy gunpla for 3 months.
Surprisingly, the price offered for this kit is RM510.
RM510 from RM465?
Oh my freaking god. So it's "X yen divide 35.7 right now" into RM.
But, if the stock came before the price raise, it should be sold with the old price. And honestly I think that this PG is an old stock, because its market is not wide. Some of the shops don't even sell it because of its high price. Anyway, read about its current price here.

With RM500 I could buy 3 Master Grade kits. I actually have a few other gunplas in the list. MG Sinanju, 1/100 00 Raiser, MG Infinite Justice... But on second thought, I have too many gunplas in 1/100 scales already. 10 MG and 7 1/100, so it's time to have something greater, something even tougher.
Like what my friend, collecting gunpla all this while, having no Perfect Grade model is quite of an imperfection.
Few days back the urge of wanting this PG came back again. I kept checking it out online and I realised that I really want to try to build a PG. Because I have never build one before!

So this morning when I was still sleeping, I got woke up by the neighbour which was blasting some chinese new year song. I got up, pissed, and shouted out loud from my window to ask the fella "diam diam".
In the end the music stopped. But I could not go back to sleep again. Since that, I was thinking again and again about should I or should I not buy this. Finally, I decided to kill half a month of my allowance for the sake of this PG model kit.
What's lacking from this PG Strike Gundam is its Aile backpack, which is sold separately. Of course I can't get it together, since buying the PG Strike Gundam itself already costed me half a thousand. So I think I can only buy it after March of next year. Or even longer. Before I could save more ammo for it.

30.3cm, 0.512kg, made up of 569 pieces and 1 battery with 84 articulation points. This PG is definitely a killer. I don't do any painting or modification unlike professional modellers, but usually I will apply them top coat as to protect them.
Usually an MG kit will take me about 2 weeks to complete, but now I guess this PG will take me more than a month to complete. Considering the time I have left in clinical school right now, maybe it could take me up to few months to complete.
Building a PG without air brushing it is indeed incomplete. But I have no skills in painting at all and on top of that I don't have money to buy the air brush and compressor. Therefore I think I will just cover it with a semi gloss top coat.
Merry Christmas to me. I have 4 days of christmas break, and 1 week of chinese new year break next month. Hope I could have time to build this massive model by then.
Oh no, the person above it's not me, again.
KS just want to shock sendiri to own a PG.