The end of semester 5 exam.
The end of end of semester 5 exam.
The end of semester 5.
I thought we would go crazy one the exam's over. But seems that only apply for our system exams.
For so many system exams we sat for, once we finished the exam we would just go berserk. Went play DoTA or counter strike. Watch movie, play arcade or just plain lepak in mid valley.
But this time's different. After this final exam. I don't feel like doing anything but stone.
Library with no people other than me, justin and the librarians.
Ever since imu ball finished i have been study non stop until exam over. 3 months of hardcore study made my stress hormone pumping 24/7 and it needs time to subside.
And that's why after this exam, i didn't feel the immediate relief.
But during the last paper OSCE, my last station is a rest. While i was walking to the station, i passed by Kin Chern who was walking to his last station which was a rest as well.
We gave each other a high 5.
Yes, finished.
No one's there.
As expected i was quite stone after exam. I believe everyone else did too. Not only the stress was still maintain, my physical stress was inhibiting my high hormone too.
Having less than 12 hours of sleep for 4 days was kind of tough plus need 100% of concentration for exam where mistakes could be fatal. I felt my temporal pulse pumping hard and the slightly unbearable headache crushing my temporal brain.
Painful, but i didn't want to waste my time after exam to sleep. Must do something.
The campus is dead during our exam time.
We went to our usual lunch hawker food stall Alison for the very last time, instead of going to eat those fancy foods. For 2.5 years, more than hundred times i went to this hawker stall to eat and this place can be memorable.
After that, went Mid valley to feed some arcade machine. As expected, everyone was there.
You can bump into imu folks like every 10 minutes. No wonder we needed 1 hour to find a parking. All parkings were taken by imu cars.

The very last time of us wearing lab coat and take a photo together
Overall the exam was slightly better than my semester 3 finals. I didn't get scolded because of my left handed issue.
I handed the stickers to the doctors with my right hand. I did light and deep palpation of the abdomen with my right hand.
It's already a prejudice for left handed people when all doctors are required to stand at the patient's right instead of left.
Oh well, i guess the earth is just revolves around right handed people and we all the left handed ones have to cope with it.

Hope i could just pass this final straight. Semester 1 final i got into borderline viva, semester 3 pass, and this, semester 5, i hope to see some improvement from myself.
I have worked so hard and made even more sacrifices (including sacrificing friends around me) and i hope i can get a better result in turn.
And that's it, we finished our end of semester 5 exam. Everyone will be heading to different universities for clinical year then.
2.5 years or 3 years later we might meet each other again in the hospital as colleagues.
Thank you!
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