
253# Introduction to the Cardiovascular system

253# Introduction to the Cardiovascular system

Cardiovascular system course deals with the Heart and the blood vessels. The anatomy, physiology, pathology and diagnostic procedures are covered in this course.

Location of the Heart

The heart is situated at the Level 4 (Undead) recipes. It is located at the second row, first column of the recipe.

Function of the Heart

The heart gives 35 strength, 300 hit points, 11 hit points regeneration per second, which ables a person to react to both sympathetic reactions and parasympathetic reactions.

Example of a situation:
What would the heart react when a person sees Lion?

There is no time to poo poo when a person sees Lion. The person would need to attack back the Lion with its additional strength and extra vitality provided by the Heart.

Due to the testicular hypertrophy caused by the Heart, the person is able to confront the Lion. Therefore the person should stun, and ulti the Lion. And at the same time, finger of the Lion must be avoided if otherwise the Heart will be broken.

Embroyology of the Heart

The Heart requires 2 primitive items, which is the Vitality booster and the Messerschmidt's Reaver. Both primitive factors are derived from Leragas the Vile.

Anatomy of Messerschmidt's Reaver

The Messerschmidt's Reaver appears sharp, and it might hurt due to the strength that it carries.

Anatomy of Vitality Booster

The Vitality Booster is in sphere shaped. It is so small that it might be swallowed by a person. Do take note that excessive consumption of this booster may cause laxative effects.

Price of the Heart

Messerschmidt's Reaver requires 3200 points while the Vitality booster requires 1100 points. An additional 1200 points is need for the price of the Heart's recipe in order to form the Heart.

PS: Damn SS diarrhoea. Nothing else better to do.

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